After reading many post of people getting months of ESP8266 running time off batteries I decided to set up my own to see why my battery life was terrible:
Node MCU ESP8266 (CH349G Serial Chip, AMS1117 Voltage Regulator)
LiPo Battery: 2S 850mAh (7.4V)
ADS1115 ADC (to measure voltage, 500K Voltage divider)
Test setup:
Two ESP8266 setups were completed, one ESP was standard and the other had the LED and Serial Chip disconnected to conserve Battery.
Test Program:
ESP Wake every 20 seconds (with radio disabled)
Take voltage reading and store in RTC memory
Deep Sleep
Every 5 minutes (15 wake cycles)
Take voltage reading
Connect to network and transmit all data to Influx Database.
Disconnect from network
Deep Sleep
You can see from the below screenshot the battery voltage over the duration of the test:

Unmodified ESP8266:
Time from 8.36V to 7.28V (97% to 7% of Li-Po capacity) was 87hrs and 20mins (3.6 Days)
Modified ESP8266: (No LED or Serial Chip)
Time from 8.36V to 7.28V (97% to 7% of Li-Po capacity) was 101hrs and 16mins (4.2 Days)
Months of usage seem far from achievable with a minimal setup and all precautions taken. Actually the ESP seems pretty unusable on a battery for anything more than a measurement every few hours.
Further Improvements:
The stock voltage regulator is a known power drain, an alternative is recommended but I did not get around to that yet.
That’s it!