Of course every household needs a Geiger Counter and I bought this kit to do all the fancy 400/500V voltage work along with an SBM-20 Geiger-Muller Tube on eBay for the actual radiation detecting. Typically it seems people hook this up to a tablet etc. and run an app but my plan was to log to InfluxDB. It can also operate stand-alone which is why I added a handy display (Nokia 5110).

This type of detector is designed to detect Beta & Gamma rays. (it cannot detect Alpha rays but this sensor can be added easily if wanted.
What it does:
– Listens & counts pulses for 60 seconds
– After 60 seconds writes this value to InfluxDB
– Updates display with current metrics. (last 60 second reading, average reading, max reading, estimated dosage & the current IP address)
Connecting it up:
LCD Pin | ESP8266 Labelled Pin | ESP8266 GPIO Pin | Geiger Detector Board |
1 – RST | D0 | GPIO 16 | |
2 – CE | D1 | GPIO 5 | |
3 – DC | D2 | GPIO 4 | |
4 – DIN | D3 | GPIO 0 | |
5 – CLK | D4 | GPIO 2 | |
6 – Vcc | 3.3V | 3.3V | |
7 – Backlight | 3.3V (on) | 3.3V | |
8 – Ground | Ground | Ground | Ground |
D5 | GPIO 14 | Int (interrupt) | |
VU/ 5V | VU / 5V | 5V |
See latest code at my GitHub (or below):
– Requires Adafruit libraries. Link 1, Link 2
– Requires Running Average Library
– Requires InfluxDb library
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <InfluxDb.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> #include <Adafruit_PCD8544.h> #include "RunningAverage.h" #define INFLUXDB_HOST "192.168.1.XXX" #define WIFI_SSID "XXXXXXXXXXXX" #define WIFI_PASS "XXXXXXXXXXXX" #define DATABASE "XXXXXXXXXXXX" #define MEASUREMENT "XXXXXXXXXXXX" #define DEVICE "XXXXXXXXXXXX" #define ID "Geiger_Counter" #define LOG_PERIOD 60000 Influxdb influx(INFLUXDB_HOST); Adafruit_PCD8544 display = Adafruit_PCD8544(2, 0, 4, 5, 16); //LCD 1.5 Inch (Nokia 5110)84×48 (x,y) pixels RunningAverage raMinute(60); //################ int debug = 1; //# //################ int loopCount = 0; int cpm = 0; int cpm_max = 0; int cpm_1hr_avg = 0; int cpm_ravg = 0; int counts = 0; int cal_factor = 1; int wifiStatus; unsigned long currentMillis; unsigned long previousMillis; //variable for time measurement void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); // start serial monitor delay(1000); Serial.println(""); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Setup Routine of ESP8266 Geiger Counter"); display.begin(); display.setContrast(55); display.display(); // show adafruid splashscreen delay(2000); display.clearDisplay(); // clears the screen and buffer pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); //D4 digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); //Turns it off pinMode(14, INPUT_PULLUP); // set pin INT0 input for capturing GM Tube events / GPIO5 = D1 attachInterrupt(14, tube_pulse, FALLING); //defines interrupts raMinute.clear(); influx.setDb(DATABASE); display.setTextSize(1); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,0); display.setTextSize(1);display.print("Up Hrs: ");display.setCursor(48,0);display.print("0"); display.setCursor(0,9); display.setTextSize(1);display.print("CPMi 1m:"); display.setCursor(0,17);display.setTextSize(1);display.print("CPM avg:"); display.setCursor(0,25);display.setTextSize(1);display.print("CPM Max:"); display.setCursor(0,33);display.setTextSize(1);display.print("uSv/hr: "); display.setCursor(0,41);display.setTextSize(1);display.print("Not Connected"); display.display(); wifiStatus = WiFi.status(); if (wifiStatus != WL_CONNECTED) { new_connection(); } else { display.fillRect(0,41,84,48, WHITE); display.setCursor(0,41); display.print(WiFi.localIP()); display.display(); } if (debug == 1) {Serial.println("Setup Complete.");} } void loop(){ currentMillis = millis(); if(currentMillis - previousMillis > LOG_PERIOD){ cpm = counts * cal_factor; raMinute.addValue(cpm); cpm_ravg = raMinute.getAverage(); if (cpm > cpm_max){ cpm_max = cpm; } Serial.print("CPM: "); Serial.println(cpm); display.fillRect(48,0,40,40, WHITE); display.display(); display.setCursor(48,0);display.print(loopCount*.0166); display.setCursor(48,9);display.print(cpm); display.setCursor(48,17);display.print(cpm_ravg); display.setCursor(48,25);display.print(cpm_max); display.setCursor(48,33);display.print(cpm_ravg*0.0057); display.display(); Serial.println("Attempting to write to DB"); counts = 0; InfluxData row(MEASUREMENT); row.addTag("Device", DEVICE); row.addTag("ID", ID); row.addValue("CPM", cpm); row.addValue("LoopCount", loopCount); row.addValue("RandomValue", random(0, 100)); wifiStatus = WiFi.status(); while ( wifiStatus != WL_CONNECTED ) { new_connection(); } influx.write(row); if (debug == 1) {Serial.println("Wrote Data.");} //WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF); // Probably turn off Wifi if want to save battery //WiFi.forceSleepBegin(); //delay( 1 ); status_blink(); previousMillis = currentMillis; loopCount++; } } ICACHE_RAM_ATTR //Needed to fix ISR not in IRAM boot error void tube_pulse(){ //procedure for capturing events from interrupt counts++; } void new_connection() { wifiStatus = WiFi.status(); if (wifiStatus != WL_CONNECTED) { WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASS); int loops = 0; int retries = 0; display.fillRect(0,41,84,48, WHITE); display.setCursor(0,41); display.print("Not Connected"); display.display(); while (wifiStatus != WL_CONNECTED) { retries++; if( retries == 300 ) { if (debug == 1) {Serial.println( "No connection after 300 steps, powercycling the WiFi radio. I have seen this work when the connection is unstable" );} WiFi.disconnect(); delay( 10 ); WiFi.forceSleepBegin(); delay( 10 ); WiFi.forceSleepWake(); delay( 10 ); WiFi.begin( WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASS ); } if ( retries == 600 ) { if (debug == 1) {Serial.println( "No connection after 600 steps. WiFi connection failed, disabled WiFi and waiting for a minute" );} WiFi.disconnect( true ); delay( 1 ); WiFi.mode( WIFI_OFF ); WiFi.forceSleepBegin(); delay( 10 ); retries = 0; if( loops == 3 ) { if (debug == 1) {Serial.println( "That was 3 loops, still no connection so let's go to deep sleep for 2 minutes" );} Serial.flush(); ESP.deepSleep( 120000000, WAKE_RF_DISABLED ); } } delay(50); wifiStatus = WiFi.status(); } wifiStatus = WiFi.status(); Serial.print("WiFi connected, IP address: ");Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); display.fillRect(0,41,84,48, WHITE); display.setCursor(0,41); display.print(WiFi.localIP()); display.display(); } } void status_blink() { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // Turn the LED on (Note that LOW is the voltage level delay(100); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // Turn the LED on (Note that LOW is the voltage level delay(100); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // Turn the LED on (Note that LOW is the voltage level delay(100); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // Turn the LED on (Note that LOW is the voltage level }
– Comment code
– Add in check at start of code to see if tube functioning.
– I would like to update the running average to 60min average but not enough time to currently do these 10 lines of code.
– Add in control (on/off ) for the LCD backlight, buzzer & Wifi for battery consumption.
– Perhaps would be nice to log to SD card also, not sure if I still have enough I/O for that.
– The ‘case’ is a very rough and not worthy of sharing, a nicer more bespoke would be ideal.
– Add radiation symbol on splash screen.
Resources I used:
– https://mightyohm.com/blog/2014/11/a-spotters-guide-to-the-sbm-20-geiger-counter-tube/
That’s it!