Get your daily dose of XKCD with this python based random comic widget. Designed to run on Raspberry Pi Official 7″ LCD (800×480) but easily adapted to other screens and other picture sources if you wish.

Get the latest Python file from my GitHub:
Open up the terminal, install python packages and create a directory to keep things neat and put the github file into it:
sudo apt-get install python-bs4 sudo apt-get install python-imaging python-pil.imagetk cd /home/pi/ mkdir code #Copy the file into this directory/folder from GitHub.
Test the file:
python /code/
Great, all should work, lets create a Desktop shortcut:
cd /home/pi/Desktop/ nano xkcd.desktop
To make the shortcut work paste in the below code to this file and Ctrl + x to exit.
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Name=XKCD Widget Comment=For Official RPI LCD. Exec=python /home/pi/Desktop/code/ Icon=/home/pi/Desktop/code/xkcd_logo.PNG Path=/home/pi/Desktop/code/ Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Utility;Application; StartupNotify=false
Give the shortcut executable permissions:
chmod +x xkcd.desktop
Double click on the desktop icon and all should work. Currently do not have a logo for the icon but this is on the to do list.