Overwrite InfluxDB point

I had an issue where I had spurious high values reported to one of my databases and I didn’t have time to debug for a while so I ended up overwriting the point about once a week. I couldn’t find a way to delete the measurement completely but overwriting works well:

Launch Influx CLI:


Select your database:

use dev_db
use dev_db
 use dev_db

Find the point you want, for me it was always the max value:

SELECT max("Energy_Usage") FROM "esp" WHERE ("Device" = 'esp_03')
SELECT max("Energy_Usage") FROM "esp" WHERE ("Device" = 'esp_03')
SELECT max("Energy_Usage") FROM "esp" WHERE ("Device" = 'esp_03') 

The result returned was:

name: esp
time max
---- ---
1583863516000000000 1049397312
name: esp time max ---- --- 1583863516000000000 1049397312
name: esp
time                max
----                ---
1583863516000000000 1049397312

Now we take the time returned from above and rewrite over the point in the database, (I overwrote it with a value of 150:

INSERT esp,Device=esp_03 Energy_Usage=150 1583863516000000000
INSERT esp,Device=esp_03 Energy_Usage=150 1583863516000000000
INSERT esp,Device=esp_03 Energy_Usage=150 1583863516000000000

That’s it!

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